
Dolomite is key partner in collaborative R&D consortium for optical sorting of stem cells under the Eurostars framework

Dolomite is collaborating with European technology leaders over a two year publicly funded consortium. Danish project partners OptoRobotix (R&D performing SME) and Bioneer (technological service partner) and Dolomite will jointly develop a cutting edge stem cell handling technology. As the market leader in microfluidic design, Dolomite will exploit its latest offerings to transform from concept to biotech device. The collaboration recognizes Dolomite’s proven track of Productizing Science®, its unique business philosophy.


Eurostars aims to stimulate SMEs for international collaborative research and innovation


Named OPTISORT, the platform is expected to provide ‘Sorting and analysis platform for fragile mammalian cells using novel combination of optical and droplet technology’. The areas of stem cell biology and mammalian cell based protein manufacturing are developing fast. The ability for gentle cell sorting technologies and methods is expected to enable customers exploit unprecedented applications of cell biology in technology.

The Consortium combines novel optical and droplet technology to create a commercial attractive platform. The collaboration has awarded close to 1 million Euros with a view to benefit the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and molecular biology industry.


The collaboration is made possible by the Eurostars Programme – a European Joint Programme dedicated to the R&D performing SMEs, co-funded by the European Communities and 33 EUREKA member countries. Eurostars aims to stimulate SMEs with a promising potential for international collaborative research and innovation, enabling the route to international markets.

Eurostars, the first European funding programme dedicated to innovation driven SMEs highlights their importance as essential sources of growth, employment, entrepreneurial skills, innovation and economic and social cohesion. On average, a Eurostars project has 3 to 4 Participants, 2-3 Countries, 29 Months duration, and €1.4M R&D budget. Of a total of 9807 applicants, 613 Projects were successfully funded with a total budget of
€878M (€390M Estimated Public Funding). For the official Eurostar notification, type OPTISORT in the search field at

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