At Dolomite Microfluidics, we understand that narrowing down aspects like size distribution of particles can be a challenge.  We also understand that precision and consistency are vital during the formulation process. For this reason, in this webinar, we would like to show how you can synthesise your LNPs using microfluidics technology paired with automation to achieve the best results in your experiments.


Interested to learn more about liposomes and lipid nanoparticles?

Read more about how Microfluidic technology enables increased production control over the lipid’s/liposome’s physical properties, especially in terms of small mean size, narrow size distribution and lamellarity.


Automated Nanoparticle System

System Solutions

This webinar will introduce Dolomite’s Automated Nanoparticle System, a next-generation system dedicated to protocol development and production of a wide range of nanoparticle types including liposomes, lipid nanoparticles and more. Tailored and scalable, it facilitates library generation for formulation screening allowing you to progress through the protocol development pipeline without the need to change your entire system.


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